Men's Softball World Championship

Men's Softball World Championship

Started Year
: 1966
: Softball
Current Champion
: Canada men's national softball team

History Of Men's Softball World Championship

The Men's Softball World Championship, known through 2013 as the ISF Men's World Championship, is a softball tournament for the best national men's teams in the world. Held every four years, first by the International Softball Federation (ISF) through 2013 and now by the World Baseball Softball Confederation (WBSC), the 16 best teams in the world compete. From 2013 the event will be held every second year.

Men's Softball World Championship Archieve

1966-United States men's national softball team

1968-United States men's national softball team

1972-Canada men's national softball team

1976-United States men's national softball team,Canada men's national softball team,New Zealand men's national softball team

1980-United States men's national softball team

1984-New Zealand men's national softball team

1988-United States men's national softball team

1992-Canada men's national softball team

1996-New Zealand men's national softball team

2000-New Zealand men's national softball team

2004-New Zealand men's national softball team

2009-Australia men's national softball team

2013-New Zealand men's national softball team

2015-Canada men's national softball team
