Excellent Presentation

Publisher : Unicorn Books
Publisher Address : F-2/16, Ansari Road,Darya Ganj, New Delhi-110002, India.
Publisher Website : http://www.unicornbooks.in/
Publisher Email : info@unicornbooks.in
Published Date : N/A
Business & Management
New Delhi/India
978 81 7806 163 4
Edition Number
Book Description

Why do you use presentations? To win new clients? Sell a product or service to customers? Get colleagues to support your plans? Perhaps you wish to sell your new great idea to the senior executives in your company. Or perhaps, you want potential investors to invest their money in your scheme. Excellent Presentation is designed to show you exactly how to engage the attention of, and win over any audience in any industry and in any business climate. This book contains proven, tried and tested strategies to meet the demands of 21st century business. It also covers invaluable information on latest presentation technology tools and techniques and much more... The complete, easy to use process described in this book will help you to present your chosen topic dynamically, clearly and effectively, beginning with the planning and preparation stage right up to the closing and feedback stage of your presentation. This book will show you how to: * Support your core ideas with vivid examples and graphics using computer tools like PowerPoint ensuring that you persuade your audience and not overwhelm them with excessive multimedia * Steer question and answer sessions and discussions towards your goal * Positively influence the opinion of the decision-makers in your audience * Pursue excellence well beyond the realm covered in conventional books in the subject. Excellent Presentation is your key to advancing your career, ensuring success in whatever you do, and empowering you to generate positive outcomes for yourself and your organisation, time after time.
