Brain Tattoos

Publisher : Ess Ess Publisher
Publisher Address : 4831/24, Ansari Road,Darya Ganj,New Delhi - 110011
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Published Date : N/A
Business & Management
New Delhi/India
Edition Number
Book Description

Your Brand will be strong, customers won't be able to get it out of their headsA solid brand Leaves a positive impression in the customer's mind, but the impression made by an exceptional brand is virtually indelible. With Brain Tattoos, your will learn exactly how to make your brand truly distinct-and unforgettable. Karen Post isn't going to waste your time with complicated theories or unnecessary marketing jargon. She is going to show you how to maximize your brand's impact, with proven ideas and the practical tools she has used to help her best clients dominate their markets!"Hands-on marketing help form a guru who lives what she preaches!"-Seth Godin, Author, Free Prize inside"This book is brands-on action. Karen Post will show you a new way to make your phone ring with qualified prospects, convert them to sale, and add value to your operation."-Jeffrey Gitomer, Author, the Sales Bible"Karen Post knows branding, from her own business identity-the Branding Diva to her work with companies such as American Express, Bank of America, and Pepsi, Post's insights and experiences are fun and productive, and toolkits are useful tools to help business leaders and innovators rethink their personal and organizational brands and practices. Whether you're and internal brand Ambassador or and external Brand Warrior, Brain Tattoos will help you improve and increase the improve the impact of the mental imprints made by your business and your work."
