Central LibraryGulbarga University

Central LibraryGulbarga University

Digital Library


Managed by : Government
Website link : http://guglibrary.net/

About Central LibraryGulbarga University

The Virtual Learning Resource Centre & Digital Library (VLRC&DL) at Gulbarga University reflects the University’s mission to be a leading “Learning Region” incorporating current state-of-the–art ICT facilities established by Infosys Foundation, Bangalore.VLRC&DL has 100+50 workstations, three Mainframe DELL Servers and CD NAS server with a carpet area of 12,420 sq. feet using eight gbps leased line provides excellent Internet facilities, access to UGC Infonet e-journals, online databases, e-books, learning courseware’s and institutional publications.Access to 20 lakh full text e-Books of classic works of literature, science, technology, serials, bibliographies, dictionaries, encyclopedias and other reference works in over 100 languages published by World Public Library Association accessible under network environ.Institutional Repository (IR) covering research publications of the Faculty, e- Thesis and Dissertations, rare manuscripts, question banks and university publications digitized using DSpace software and accessible campus intranet @ Commons i.e. software tools consist of important application software’s, e-books CD/DVDs and manuals for academic and research work, data analysis software i.e. SPSS (16.0) provides a platform for independent learning and hands on training and experience required in their respective subject areas.QuestionPoint service from OCLC, USA rendered as 'ASK a Librarian' @ www.guglibrary.net to answer the information queries and reference questions of any users around.Remote Access facility enables library registered users to access all the e-Resources from anywhere outside the library premises.Videoconferencing and EduSat facility provides platform for interactive lectures, demonstrations, educational films and other e-resources for the academics and is used extensively which is IP enabled accessed @ Directory Users & Computers – Application software built in Windows 2010 Advance server Software is used for proper maintenance and Login and password ensures accountability and to develop usage statistics.Google powered Mail Server with a provision to create 1500 users to have effective communication informing the latest arrivals and developments.


Contact Details

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Opening Hours

Gulbarga - 585106

Library Gallery
