Department of Basic Education-Republic of South africa

Basic Details

Location: Pretoria,Gauteng,South Africa
Ministry Head:Mrs. Angie Motshekga
Responsible: Mr. Mohamed Enver Surty
Contact Number: 012 357 3000
Private Bag X895
South Africa
Department of Basic Education-Republic of South africa

About Department of Basic Education-Republic of South africa

The Department of Basic Education (DBE) was formed when the then National Department of Education was split into two: DBE and the Department of Higher Education and Training. DBE has been tasked with overseeing primary and secondary education in South Africa.


Our vision is of a South Africa in which all our people have access to lifelong learning, as well as education and training, which will,  in turn, contribute towards improving the quality of life and building a peaceful, prosperous and democratic South Africa.



Our mission is to provide leadership with respect to provinces, districts and schools in the establishment of a South African education system for the 21st century.


People. Upholding the Constitution, being accountable to the Minister, the government and the people of South Africa.

Excellence. Maintaining high standards of performance and professionalism by aiming for excellence in everything we do, including being fair, ethical and trustworthy in all that we do.

Teamwork. Cooperating with one another and with our partners in education in an open and supportive way to achieve shared goals.

Learning. Creating a learning organisation in which staff members seek and share knowledge and information, while committing themselves to personal growth.

Innovation. Striving to address the training needs for high-quality service and seeking ways to achieve our goals.



Edubilla is a good platform for the students, teachers, institutions, associations, parents and educational product suppliers. Students can choose the best colleges, schools for their studies.

Shanmugapriya Shanmugapriya Web Engineer

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