Introductory Rural Sociology

Publisher : New Age International (P) Limited
Publisher Address : 7/30 A, Darya Ganj, New Delhi-110 002, INDIA
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Published Date : N/A
New Delhi/India
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Book Description

J B Chitambar, writes from a long and varied background in both academic and field experience relevant to the theme of this book, and in particular, to the purpose for which it has been written. Having obtained a bachelor’s degree in agriculture, he served both state and central government Departments of Agriculture and Food in pre-independent India. For about four years he was a self-employed farmer in the jungle “terai” area in north India. With National Independence, he moved to the Allahabad Agricultural Institute where he served for 31 years initially in the Department of Extension. At this time, he earned both his M S and PhD at Cornell University, USA. On his return to India, he served at the same Institute as lecturer, professor, Head of the Department of Extension, and then as Principal for the last 21 years of service, until retirement. Following retirement from the Allahabad Agricultural Institute, he worked with World Vision International in California, USA until 1990, as Director of Rural Development and Agriculture. As Director he had global responsibilities in African, Latin American and Asian countries in which World Vision International operates. Training of development personnel in practical application of rural sociology to rural development work was throughout an important focus that he introduced through specialized training workshops: a total of about 17 workshops involving participants from 13 different countries in Africa; six in Central America; seven in South America; six in Asia.
