Analytical Methods For Ores And Minerals

Publisher : I.K. International Publishing House Pvt. Ltd
Publisher Address : S-25, Green Park Extn., Uphaar Cinema Market, New Delhi - 110 016, India
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Publisher Email : [email protected]
Published Date : N/A
New Delhi/India
978 81 8986 654 9
Edition Number
Book Description

Although methods for determination of almost all elements are available in discrete way either in books covering specific ores or in encyclopedias, an exclusive book on methods of analysis for ores and minerals was not available. The present work is a sincere effort to fulfil this vacuum. This book exclusively covers well tested analytical methods for their accuracy and versatility for ores and minerals of most of the elements.The present book covers methods of analysis of most of the minerals right from alkali metals to zirconium. The methods given in the book are well tested and in practice in various laboratories engaged in analysis of ores and minerals. The book also covers topics on fundamental principles of analytical chemistry, computation of analytical data, error and precision in analytical results, etc. A chapter is dedicated to the management of analysis and safety in laboratory in order to give an idea to chemists that how to proceed for analytical work in a well planned and systematic way with all precautions to be taken for safety. A chemist would understand how the chemical analysis can be performed in the shortest possible time with high accuracy. The principle of management applied for laboratory organization will definitely help the laboratory managers in ensuring smooth and speedy work with quality.The principle of analysis is discussed in the beginning of each method to understand the theoretical aspects and reactions involved in the course of analysis. This will help the student to understand the theory of analysis and role of each reagent used. For determination of major radicals in the ore, conventional chemical methods of analysis are suggested whereas instrumental methods are suggested for elements present in minute quantity.The book will be useful for students as well as analytical chemists engaged in the field of analysis of ores and minerals.
