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Mumbai College Ranks 2nd in global Aero-Design Contest

Updated On 2015-04-17 09:12:30 Education Trends

In a milestone achievement, a team of students from Anjuman-I-Islam's M.H. Saboo Siddik College of Engineering bagged the second prize globally and first in Asia in designing an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle. It has also secured the third prize in the Micro Class design category of UAV in the annual international competition organized by Society of Automotive Engineers International (SAE), Lockheed Martin US, and Dassault Systems, France.

From the world over, 75 teams participated in the competition, designing an Advanced Class category of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) aircraft, a top official said. Zahir I. Kazi, president, Anjuman-I-Islam said, these designs shall now form part of the advanced research and development to be conducted by Lockheed Martin for future practical applications and international study papers on the same.

The competition  in its 29th edition held last month at Lakeland, Florida, US, saw the participation of the 17-member "Team Aerosouls", which included two females from the college, besides elite teams from IITs Bombay, Vellore and Kanpur. The preceding year 2012-2013 Team Aerosouls stood first in Asia and 8th globally in the UAV Micro Class design, and became the first ever Indian participating team to win any honour in the SAE competition.

The SAE competition comprises UAV Regular, Micro and Advance Class as three sections in its Aero-Design Series, and M.H. Saboo Siddik College is a regular participant in the UAV Advanced Class and Micro Class sections, said team mentor M. Saqlain Siddiqui.




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