T S Central State Library

T S Central State Library

Public Library


Managed by : Government
Website link : http://www.cslchd.nic.in/

About T S Central State Library

The libraries in the past were considered merely store houses of books and the librarians were custodian. It was a passive and archival institution. Over the years the public library has become a service institution, and its aim being to enable the users to make effective use of the resources and services of the libraries. For the growth and development of society, communication of knowledge has become increasingly important. Since a public library is for the people at large, its main function is to provide for their inspiration, recreation, information and education. The clientele it serves, covers a wide spectrum- students, researchers, intellectuals, bureaucrats, housewives, neo-literate, retired persons etc. Given a variation in the educational background of the users the library has to serve and fulfill the demands of all.


Contact Details

Phone Number

Fax Number

Email Address

Opening Hours

Sec - 17C, Punjab

Library Gallery
