Ministry of Education-Nicaragua

Basic Details

Location: Managua,Managua,Nicaragua
Ministry Head: Dr. Lorenzo Guerrero
Contact Number: 2253-8490
Managua,Nicaragua. Ap to. Postal 108
Ministry of Education-Nicaragua

About Ministry of Education-Nicaragua


                   The reason for the MINED is set in the legal framework of the country; the Constitution of the Republic states that education is inescapable feature of the Nicaraguan State, which is responsible planning, direction and organize. It is also responsible to the state, promoting the participation of the family, the community and the people in education.


               In 2015, we will have advanced significantly in the process of restoration of the right to education for all and all Nicaraguans, with justice, equity, quality and efficiency; results will be tangible educational transformation from citizen satisfaction and contribution of education to poverty reduction, construction and social welfare for citizens and Integral Human Development.


CHRISTIANS: Based especially in the Love, Peace, Reconciliation and the Preferential Option for the Poor.

SOLIDARITY: The recognition of the common good; the exercise of detachment and share with others.

LOVE MOTHER EARTH: The appreciation and care of nature, exercise to respect, protect and care for Mother Earth, for all that exists is interdependent and affects us all and all.

PATRIOTISM: Consciousness and the exercise of sovereignty and dignity, honor the heroes, martyrs and heroes, live fully the pride of belonging and defend Nicaragua.

WORK: The exercise of human dignity at work changing environment, using energy, knowledge, skills and intelligence to learn, grow, contributing to the development of the country and its citizens. 



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