The Complete Family Medical Guide

Publisher : Jaico Publishing House
Publisher Address : A 2, Jash Chambers, 7 A, Sir P M Road, Fort, Opposite Reserve Bank Of India, Mumbai - 400010
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Published Date : N/A
Edition Number
Book Description

In The Complete Family Medical Guide, Dr. Kundu has attempted to make the understanding of the body easier so that an educated person need not be over-awed by this science. A number of questions are answered in simple language which can be understood by the interested lay reader. This illustrative medical guide covers in detail every aspect of an ailment starting from the cause of an illness, the symptoms, to the cure and precaution to be taken. It also warns of the side effects of certain medication, and action to be taken in case of an emergency. Drug profiles have also been included in the final section. The index provided at the end of the book makes it easier for the reader to find the information required. This book will enable an interested person gain more knowledge about the body and how to keep it fit in spite of aging. Timely discovery of an ailment, its cure and finally its prevention are some of the topics dealt with in this book. Stress has been laid on diet and nutrition, eating correctly and at the right times to help ward off a large number of preventable diseases. An entire chapter has been devoted to First Aid, which, given at an opportune moment, has saved more lives than dedicated medical therapy. Useful and important hints have been provided to enable one and all to pursue a wholesome, healthy way of life.
