Social Networking

Publisher : V & S Publishers
Publisher Address : F-2/16, Ansari Road, Darya Ganj, New Delhi-110002, India
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Published Date : N/A
Business & Management
New Delhi/India
978 93 8158 866 6
Edition Number
Book Description

With Right Mindset, making money becomes a way of life. Even if you are not born with that mindset it can be acquired with a bit of eff ort. Positive mind with Combined Hard Work help to rake in money. You might have thought that it’s easy to think like a millionaire when reading a certain book on topics how to become one. At present you may not have that much money in your bank account, but the state of being millionaire starts in your mind. One of the most important items needed to the way of wealth is a budget. Not having a budget is like shooting a gun at a target blindfold. So before start reading this book, plan what is your budget and set your goals strictly according to your budget. Make a plan and stick to it and you will see you are doing better… & better. Now, is it possible to work less and actually make more money? Yes it is possible. With 4 billion users and more than 6 billion registered websites the Internet dominates itself as the Principal Marketplace. It provides employment to billions of people and has the capability to generate more than million dollars especially for you… To become a millionaire in one year you need to earn Rs. 27,898 Per day. And it is very easy to earn this much money with an online hard work for just 15 days. To start, you will need a computer, little Knowledge of English and active internet connection. With this reference book, you will not only learn how to becomea millionaire but you will also learn about E-mails, Blogging,10 Social Networking how to make your own website, search engine optimization, promoting your website, social networking & E-commerce. The language and content of this book is user-friendly… designed especially for you, so that you can try it at your own. If you strictly follow this book for 15 days and use your little portion of brain you will fi nd yourself earning Rs. 27,398 every day and after one year you will be a MILLIONAIRE
