Perspectives In Environmental Health

Publisher : Low Price Publications
Publisher Address : A-6, Second Floor, Nimri Commercial Center Ashok Vihar Phase - 4, Delhi - 110 052 (INDIA)
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Published Date : N/A
Nursing, Health & Social Work
New Delhi/India
Edition Number
Book Description

In India, both vector borne and water borne diseases are killing thousands of people every year. Diseases like Malaria, Filaria, Encephalitis, Cholera, Diarrhoea etc. are causing havoc damage to the general health. The entire and wide perspective of these problems of have been discussed in general in the book. Original contributors from renowned experts from different fields like medicine, biochemistry and biological sciences in particular have enriched this book. The details of some of these diseases, their history, management, current status and research activities are covered in this work. Special emphasis have been given on Malaria and Leishmaniasis in the section on Vector Borne Diseases and on Cholera and Diarrhoea in the section on water borne diseases respectively.This is a typical book of its kind covering and emphasizing all possible aspects of Environmental Sciences related to some specific vector and water borne diseases. It will be of great use to the students of Environmental Sciences at UG & PG level of different Indian Universities and also to students doing their M.Phils in areas of Environmental Sciences and allied topics. It will also be helpful to the Institutes working in the area of public health, medical practisioners and students of medical colleges.
