Justice For The Poor: Perspectives On Accelerating Access

Publisher : Oxford University Press
Publisher Address : 1st Floor, YMCA Library Building, 1, Jai Singh Road, Post Box 43,New Delhi - 110001,India
Publisher Website : http://www.oup.co.in/
Publisher Email : northcare.in@oup.com
Published Date : Jun/11
New Delhi/India
Edition Number
Book Description

One of the most significant contemporary lessons from development work around the world is that national judicial systems—and access to them—are of critical importance in the struggle against poverty. Contending that legal strategies play an important role in protection of human rights, this book discusses important global issues related to human rights including human justice and security. It examines institutional strategies that aim at accelerating human justice delivery, and securing civil, political, socio-economic, and cultural rights. The work also puts in perspective a number of practical recommendations for justice programming and development. Establishing the essential link between poverty reduction and justice programming, it clarifies conceptual issues related to justice from the perspective of the weak and marginalized.The essays in the volume address crucial issues such as practical and effective strategies for securing access to justice for the poor and means for evaluating justice programming from a results-based perspective. Further it focuses on the interplay between poverty, good governance, and accountability instrumental in realizing the Millennium Development Goals, and ensuring participation and non-discrimination in developmental decision-making. Addressing important issues such as access to justice in plural legal systems, public interest litigation, the effects of globalization, and denial of women's rights, the book examines judicial reform initiatives.. One of the most significant contemporary lessons from development work around the world is that national judicial systems—and access to them—are of critical importance in the struggle against poverty. Contending that legal strategies play an important role in protection of human rights, this book discusses important global issues related to human rights including human justice and security. It examines institutional strategies that aim at accelerating human justice delivery, and securing civil, political, socio-economic, and cultural rights. The work also puts in perspective a number of practical recommendations for justice programming and development. Establishing the essential link between poverty reduction and justice programming, it clarifies conceptual issues related to justice from the perspective of the weak and marginalized.The essays in the volume address crucial issues such as practical and effective strategies for securing access to justice for the poor and means for evaluating justice programming from a results-based perspective. Further it focuses on the interplay between poverty, good governance, and accountability instrumental in realizing the Millennium Development Goals, and ensuring participation and non-discrimination in developmental decision-making. Addressing important issues such as access to justice in plural legal systems, public interest litigation, the effects of globalization, and denial of women's rights, the book examines judicial reform initiatives.
