International Dimension Of The Human Rights

Publisher : Global Vision Publishing House
Publisher Address : F-4, Ist Floor, 'Hari Sadan',20, Ansari Road, Daryaganj New Delhi- 110002
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Published Date : N/A
Law & Criminology
New Delhi/India
Edition Number
Book Description

The development of the human rights movement can be understood by looking at its political beginnings, conceptual reach, and the agents of that movement. This second revised and expanded edition of International Dimension of the Human Rights is an important attempt to present a critical examination of forty seven issues of human rights in four volumes. This revised edition contains all the entries of first edition in revised form and eleven new entries have been included which focuses on the solutions to poverty; trend towards worldwide abolition of death penalty; a preliminary empirically-based exploration of evidence and links between human rights and governance; human rights in India; exploration of the relationship between human rights and human security and involvement of human rights approaches and strategies; the development of the Islamic human rights movement; impact of human rights on anti-poverty movement; and the right to privacy in medical research and clinical practice. This work also focuses on human genetics; rights-based approaches to health policies and programmes, reproductive rights, and public health efforts. Undoubtedly, this book becomes indispensable source of inspiration for scholars and readers.
