Handbook Of Mathematics Formulae

Publisher : Scientific Publishers
Publisher Address : 5 A, New Pali Road, P O Box 91, Jodhpur (Raj.) - 342 001 INDIA
Publisher Website : http://www.scientificpub.com/
Publisher Email : info@scientificpub.com
Published Date : Jan-14
Mathematics & Statistics
Edition Number
Book Description

Mathematics is a diverse discipline that deals with data, measurements and observations from science. Mathematics is a science of pattern and order. The special role of mathematics in education is a consequence of its universal applicability. In addition to theorems and theories, mathematics offers distinctive modes of thought which are both versatile and powerful, including modeling, abstraction, optimization, logical analysis, inference from data, and use of symbols. The principal goal of this book “Handbook of Mathematics Formulae” is to provide the reader with a comprehensive knowledge of fundamental formulae, tables and general information of mathematics and statistics. The book is written in a user-friendly manner to make the material easy to understand by the reader. The book has been designed to cater the need and requirement of Undergraduate, Postgraduate and Doctoral students of science, engineering and business discipline in University and Colleges. This mathematics formulae book is intended to provide students, professors, school teachers, technicians, researchers, scientists and engineers with a readily available reference to the essential mathematics formulae and tables. This book will contribute significantly to academic teaching, scientific research, practical works and for competitive exams preparation.
