
Publisher : New Age International (P) Limited
Publisher Address : 7/30 A, Darya Ganj, New Delhi-110 002, INDIA
Publisher Email : orders@newagepublishers.com
Published Date : Oct/07
Business & Management
New Delhi/India
Edition Number
Book Description

Entrepreneurship is usually associated with individuals and small companies. Yes it is the successful entrepreneurs who develop businesses into large corporations - their spirit, leadership and determination lead to great things. In this book John Forbat, serials entrepreneuer, covers:Characteristics you will need to succeed.Issues that start-ups face.The TASK principle and the 4 T?s.Management and company politics.Spotting unrecognised markets.Convincing people that there is a need for the ``cure for which there is no ill``The importance of R&D and how it doesn`t have to cost thousands.How necessity can be a real mother of invention.and much more! Also included are case studies which provide fascinating insights into how the author operated a company on two continents (without capital!); turned a company facing insolvency into a takeover target; and managed to turn a good business plan and a relatively small amount of credit into a company with profits of $200,000 p.a. The down to earth ideas and experiences related in this book make it essential reading for all budding entrepreneurs and those already in business. ``In a business world where the pace of change has become quite frightening, the entrepreneur must still run faster than everybody else.``
