Dimensions Of Himalayan Geology

Publisher : Satish Serial Publishing House
Publisher Address : 115, Express TowerCommercial Complex, AzadpurNew Delhi - 110034
Publisher Website : http://www.satishserial.com/
Publisher Email : info@satishserial.com
Published Date : N/A
New Delhi/India
Edition Number
Book Description

Himalaya, confined between Indus and Brahmaputra rivers and little beyond, is a large geodynamic laboratory of nature where orogen is still in youth to early mature phases of evolution. This mountain of geological late continent-continent collision origin has very ancient history perhaps touching the Archean. Giant scale endogenous turmoil thoroughly overhauled terrain mostly within the confines of distinct belts or divisions and spectacularly uplifted the terrain in superlative terms. Resting on the foundation of structure, tectonics, geomorphology, stratigraphy and evolution, wings of geology extend much further. Several books, mostly having regional approach of different scales have been written on the Himalayan geology with specified intentions. Dimensions of Himalayan Geology is based on more than 500 references and succinctly opens a gateway to different aspects of Himalayan geology. The book apprises the readers with latest findings. The book is addressed to university students for their academic needs and to those who are willing to work in Himalayan terrain. Large number of topics covered in this book is hardly available in any other single book so far. Dimensions of Himalayan Geology will also serve as ready reference book to any one who is interested in Himalayan geology. Different Dimensions of Himalayan Geology is described in thirteen chapters.
