Diabetes Control In Your Hands

Publisher : V & S Publishers
Publisher Address : F-2/16, Ansari Road, Darya Ganj, New Delhi-110002, India
Publisher Website : http://www.vspublishers.com/
Publisher Email : info@vspublishers.com
Published Date : N/A
Nursing, Health & Social Work
New Delhi/India
978 93 8138 424 4
Edition Number
Book Description

Since diabetes cannot be cured, the only way to deal with it is to learn to control it. With this clear objective in view, the book offers a complete guide on the ways and means to go about it. Beginning from the structure and functions of different organs of the digestive system, the types of diabetes, its causes and symptoms, it goes on to explain in detail the complications it can cause, the diagnosis and tests involved in detection, treatment, the calorie-reckoner of different food items and the recommended diet for different types of patients. Where the book scores over others is that it doesn't just confine itself to Allopathic treatment but offers a complete 'controlling mechanism' - covering Ayurveda, Yoga, Nature Cure, Acupressure, Feng Shui - through conventional and non-conventional ways.
