Consumer Rights And Protection In India

Publisher : New Century Publications
Publisher Address : 4800/24, Bharat Ram Road,Ansari Road, Daryaganj, New Delhi - 110 002INDIA
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Published Date : N/A
Law & Criminology
New Delhi/India
Edition Number
Book Description

The consumer protection policy creates an environment whereby the clients and customers receive satisfaction from the delivery of goods and services needed by them. One of the disquieting features of the Indian democracy, even after 67 years of Independence, is that an average Indian consumer continues to be in a pitiable condition due to poverty, illiteracy, ignorance and general apathy. Adulterated food, spurious medicines, and sub-standard domestic appliances are pushed over the counter with ease. Glossy and unethical advertisements appear in the print and electronic media. Ironically, it all happens in a country where, in ancient India, Kautilya in his epoch making Arthasashtra had advocated for fixing of responsibility on the State for safeguarding the interests of the consumers. When it became imperative to protect the consumers from adulterated, sub-standard goods and deficient services and also to provide relief by way of compensation, the Consumer Protection Act was enacted in the year 1986. This Act was enacted with the objective to provide better protection to the consumers against the fraudulent practices of suppliers. The Act provides for effective safeguards for consumers against various types of exploitations and unfair dealings, relying on mainly compensatory rather than punitive or preventive approach. The present work explains and examines the rights of the consumers and the protective measures adopted in India and other countries. It specifically deals with the statutory measures for redressal of consumer grievances provided under the Indian Consumer Protection Act, 1986.
