Applied Social Psychology

Publisher : JBA Publishers
Publisher Address : C-9, Connaught Place New Delhi - 110 001
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Published Date : N/A
New Delhi/India
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Book Description

This textbook serves as an introduction to the field of applied social psychology, which focuses on understanding social and practical problems and on developing intervention strategies directed at the amelioration of such problems. A core feature of the book is attaining a balance among theory, research, and application. In the Second Edition, the contributing authors have updated the text with the latest research and incorporated current examples to which students can relate. brbrNEW TO THE SECOND EDITIONbrbr Three chapters comprise a new section, Part 3, which focuses on personal applications of social psychology to ones own life. The chapters include Applying Social Psychology to Personal Relationships Chapter 15, and Applying Social Psychology to the Classroom Chapter 16both originally in one chapter Chapter 5 of the previous editionand a completely new chapter, Applying Social Psychology to Positive Wellbeing Chapter 17. br This book introduces new research and intervention strategies relevant to the application of social psychology in different areas of life, such as the effects of embedded sexual content in the media, team goalsetting and cohesion, and the inducement of proenvironment behavior. br The restructured and revised Chapter 12, Applying Social Psychology to the Community, includes a new opening vignette and new Culture Capsule feature. In addition, there are new sections on the values and approaches of community psychology, sense of community, diversity versus prejudice and discrimination, and achievement of social change. brbrKEY FEATURESbrbr The book is written for students with upperlevel undergraduate and lowerlevel graduate backgrounds. br The content and emphases of the book are guided by the assumption that at the core of applied social psychology is the development of intervention strategies for improving the functioning of individuals, groups, organizations, communities, and societies.
