A Textbook Of Ophthalmology

Publisher : PHI Learning
Publisher Address : Rimjhim House, 111, Patparganj Industrial Estate, Delhi - 110 092, India.
Publisher Website : http://phindia.com/
Publisher Email : phi@phindia.com
Published Date : Jun-05
Text Book
New Delhi/India
Edition Number
Book Description

This second edition takes due account of these changes, recording up-to-date developments in all aspects of ophthalmology: basic, investigative, clinical, and management. The author also discusses ophthalmic surgery, latest techniques and modern developments in this speciality. The state-of-the-art diagnostic techniques, drugs, lasers and ophthalmic operations have all been described at length. While updating, most chapters have been extensively revised with incorporation of new matter, figures, colour photographs and tables.The book is divided into seven parts, dealing with anatomy and embryology, ocular physiology, microbiology, ocular therapeutics, optical defects and ocular examinations, ocular diseases and ocular affections in systemic diseases, and surgical procedures. In appendices, formulary of tropical ophthalmic preparations and ophthalmic instruments are discussed in detail. A list of references at the end of each chapter will be helpful to those who wish to pursue further a particular topic.The second edition presented in an easy-to-use and accessible style is designed to be an exhaustive and comprehensive textbook for students of ophthalmology both at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels. It can also fulfil the need for a valuable work of reference of lasting usefullness to practising ophthalmologists.
