3d For Graphic Designers

Publisher : JBA Publishers
Publisher Address : C-9, Connaught Place New Delhi - 110 001
Publisher Website : http://www.jainbookagency.com/
Publisher Email : central@jainbookagency.com
Published Date : N/A
Computing and Computer Science
New Delhi/India
Edition Number
Book Description

3D for Graphic Designers offers a quick and efficient way for 2D digital artists to experiment, learn and implement 3D design into their work. The examples in this book allow artists to broaden their skills and client base as well as save money where outsourcing would have been the only previous option. Readers get hands-on basic training in working in 3D space, product design, industrial design and visualization, modeling, animation, lighting, and rendering -- skills necessary in today's competitive search for jobs in graphic design. This book prepares today's designer for tomorrow's trends. With iPads and other interactive devices changing the digital landscape, the delivery of creative content is literally in motion, with clients demanding that all creative content be ready for all types of environments, including print, web, broadcast, HD, video, interactive mobile devices, and more. Professional 3D modeler, animator, and educator Ellery Connell uses Luxology modo to illustrate and introduce 3D concepts, and the book's concepts-level approach appeals to any artist wanting to incorporate 3D into their toolset, no matter what software they use.
