25 Common Sales Obstacles & How To Overcome Them

Publisher : Orient Paperbacks
Publisher Address : 12 A/8, Ansari Road, First Floor,Darya Ganj, New Delhi 110 002, India
Publisher Email : orientpaperbacks@gmail.com
Published Date : N/A
New Delhi/India
Edition Number
Book Description

How to handle the 25 most frequently encountered customer objections — and convert them into profitable salesAll sales people, whether veteran sales managers or new-to-the-job sales representatives, encounter, again and again, the same objections from their customers, such as:"Your price is too high.""I'm not interested.""I'll take it up with my management.""I'm satisfied with my present suppliers.""I'm too busy.""Drop something in the mail.""I'll think about it."If not handled properly, such objections can become obstacles to sales.On the other hand, customer objections don't have to be a stumbling block for the well-prepared sales person. Such objections actually present excellent opportunities for finalising sales. With the right perspective and preparation, you can not only prevent your customers from raising many of the typical objections, but successfully handle those that do arise.Written by an internationally acknowledged sales expert, this book is packed with proven, time-tested objection-handling tips for many different kinds of sales situations — retail, service, and business-to-business sales. Likewise, the author deals with objections which can arise in different forms of contact with prospects and customers, such as face-to-face or telephone contact, or contact by mail or through formal, written proposals. It will get you thinking about how to successfully handle objections — and clock more sales.
