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Boris Trakhtenbrot European Association for Theoretical Computer Science Award Awarded In 2011

Boris Trakhtenbrot

Boris Trakhtenbrot

Award Name : European Association for Theoretical Computer Science Award

Year of Award : 2011

Award for : Computers and Internet

Location : Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv, Israel


Boris (Boaz) Avraamovich Trakhtenbrot (born February 19, 1921, in Brichevo, northern Bessarabia) or Boaz (Boris) Trakhtenbrot is an Israeli and Russian mathematician in mathematical logic, algorithms, theory of computation and cybernetics. He worked at Akademgorodok, Novosibirsk during the 1960s and 1970s.Currently he is a professor in the faculty of Exact sciences of Tel Aviv University.He won European Association for Theoretical Computer Science award in 2011.


European Association for Theoretical Computer Science Award Awardeds
