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5 Quickfire Study Tips For Matrics

Student Career Tips:
Posted On : 2016-10-11 14:54:09
Stresses about the upcoming Matric exams, with less then 15 days left, make sure you know your course work and follow these quick steps for a less stressful experience.

1) Exercise before the exam: This is not to say participate in a marathon but a light walk around the block gets oxygen flowing to your brain.

2) Create funny associations: For example; if you need to remember a formula for Math, create funny words for each letter: y=mx+c (becomes: whY’s = Maths Xtremely + Creepy)

3) Ever heard that talking to yourself is the first sign you have gone nuts? Well, it is a helpful way to remember things if you say them out aloud. Remember that argument you had with your best friends two months ago? The same concept works.

4) Practice makes perfect. If you have past exam papers or mock questions, practice answering them as if you were in an exam. It not only helps you train your brain to concentrate for three hours at one time but will help structure further arguments you may need to make.

5) Sleep, sleep, sleep. Getting rest before the night of your exam is probably one of the best things you can do. Your brain will be able to recollect facts if it is well rested.

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